Joie = Joy, Algeria, Furaha, Ayo
A curation of #UnreasonableThird(Work)Places/
Talent wants Places for life
Autonomy is here to stay
But #WFH isn’t the answer for everyone. People struggle with distractions, burnout and loneliness.
Humans are social beings, we need connections and community.
But we don’t want to #RTO, with commutes
Joie is a B2B SaaS marketplace that enables unique workplace experiences within 15 minute of home.
Underutilized non-traditional places – like Museums, Galleries, Stadiums, Collectives, Event spaces. Each with a story and community to make experiences and foster connections.
Like AirBNB, Joie doesn’t operate or take control of assets.
Joie provides value as employee benefit to drive recruitment, retention and engagement outcomes locally.