Just Grand 59 is a new independent business for profit LLC. Just Grand 59 is established as a small owned business that combine janitorial skills, with managerial waste abilities to produce a much large brand of services that is vital to the consumers needs. What Just Grand 59 does is provide removal of environmental waste and cleansed areas that is needed by companies as well cater to the needs of household consumers. The business has one owner, but it is managed by a team of professionals who collaborate ideals to increase the functionality of the business. The owner delegates responsibilities to the human resource department that hires employees and makes sure that trained personnel comply to the business rules; and that government regulation are enforced. Although this company is in its beginning stages it is not a franchise. Operational success of Just Grand 59 is in its ability to provide great service. To ensure a higher rate of success there is a team of professional advisors mentors, managers and assistants who guide and oversee every facet of the business. Proper assistance is expected to support the success of any business. Thus, the strength of the business lies in its team trained employees, that are equipped to follow mandated orders, and adhere to workshops and videos the helps them to make doing their jobs safely and better. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training, and blood borne pathogens, body mechanics, training classes on the use of tools and equipment, must be followed and are viable to employee enhancement, and maintaining standards in the work force is quality assurance the Just Grand 59 is fully aware of.