Maroon Strategist LLC is an independent consulting firm focused on small to medium sized businesses and the individuals who strive to turn innovative ideas into profitable endeavors. We have over 18 years of experience in the Financial Services industry. We are experts in business & financial planning, expense management, acquisition, long-short term strategic planning, growth strategies, wealth management and valuations. When you become our client, the goal of Maroon Strategist is for you to “Be the CEO of your Life”? and Maroon Strategist will be the CFO required to assist you in the the profitable growth of your business, finance management, and financial independence. We tailor a great management team to work collaboratively with your business to take it to the next level of profitable growth. We partner with a network of CPAs, Financial Advisers, Lenders, Marketers, and Attorneys to assist our clients in accelerated growth to help build businesses of lasting value. Our partnership approach begins with engaging the strategic vision from the senior level and employing our firm’s resources and core competencies to drive continuous revenue opportunities. For more information on our services, please contact us at [email protected].